On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 10:05:16AM +1100, naysayer wrote:
just a quick one....
i know this pops ups from time to time but....
Has anyone worked out a neat way to get firefox (flash, youtube, real audio,
etc) working with Jack yet. i would love to have a situation where i could
have Jack running permanently but this is the one thing preventing me.
I use youtube-dl since I hate Flash and can't run it anyway (I'm on 64-bit).
And a separate sound card: one for non-JACK ALSA apps, one for JACK apps.
A Mac-based friend does a similar thing: he connects his expensive studio reference
monitors to his Presonus Firebox for his ProTools stuff, and a pair of cheap computer
speakers connected to his built-in sound card for his Safari/Firefox and iTunes/QuickTime
I've been told there's a way to use jackplug in your .asoundrc to trick non-JACK
apps into talking to JACK (by making them think that jackplug is the default ALSA
soundcard), but I've never been able to get that working.
If I'm very desparate to see some flash-based content, I fire up qemu running Windoze
98, and that lets me listen to people's MySpace pages or deal with annoying websites
that just look like a big blank rectangle without Flash.
Did I mention that I really hate Flash? I do indeed.