Back in the day there was a lot of copying of pop tunes by 8 bit
musicians - the C64 demoscene for example, and even in commercial
games - I recall one of Jean Michelle Jarre's pieces as the intro
music to Yie Ar Kung Fu! for example - which I am not sure was
Still, in my opinion, no-one beat Rob Hubbard.. but even he did some
copying of JMJ's stuff - Zoolook IIRC.
On 1/4/12, James Warden <warjamy(a)> wrote:
I recently tried to help James Morris with the Arnold TNG emulator. By doing
so, I tried the ZapTBall game provided by the Arnold TNG website and to my
surprise, the music theme is a near copy of the old Depeche Mode song called
Here is a link to the Depeche Mode song:
If you jump to 1mn27sec, you will hear the melody that the game is using.
Not only this melody but also the subsequent solo and tone changes are
nearly the same. Does someone know this ZapTBall game and whether the music
theme is legal ? It sounds to me like a case of plagiarism.