very good point[s] Andreas.
I think noteedit is brilliant. everything works as it should, it gives
no real problems, the interfaces are very intuitive. i too wish to see
it developed further ... but even if it is not i will probably still
use only it for composing.
by the way, i noticed on the [ex-]developers website that he mentions
linux distributions ignoring noteedit as one of many reasons for
giving up, so i thought i would mention that Gentoo Linux has included
it in their portage tree for some time now ... thats how i found
noteedit in the first place.
... as Andreas has suggested: if anyone else is interested in the
continued development of noteedit, please voice your support and
appreciation in this thread.
On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 20:41:46 +0100, Andreas V. Meier <avmeier(a)> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 08:24:30AM -0600, Jeremiah
Benham wrote:
On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 12:58:26PM +0100, Andreas
V. Meier wrote:
If you use noteedit and like it, please speak up
and encourage the
author of noteedit to continue this nice program. Unfortunately he has
been a bit disappointed because he was not listed in some thread
beginning this year [1]. Nevertheless I think it is a great program.
I really thought noteedit was starting to get good. The website
throught me off at first. I put off trying it because of it for some
reason. I am not a web designer or anything and I am sure people judge
me by my site also. I was considering donating money after I tried it
and realized how useful it is/was(?). I think it is important to
donate to these projects that you find usefull. I am professional
musician so when I get extra gigs I have a little extra cash that I
can use to contribute.
In some cases it is even helpful to tell the authors how useful their
program and all the hours of work are which they put into their project.
Unfortunately, with software development this is the same as with cars
or anything. You only contact the manufacturer if something is broken.
It can disappoint if you only always hear bad things or at least nothing
good about your job. This also recently made one of our core developers in
ROCKLinux leave the project. I want to prevent this from happening
Second thing is that software development and music are not natural
buddies, so most musicians using software in this field might not be
familiar with the 'usual' feedback channels ... at least not with free
Well, let's hope this settles out, would be a nice thing for christmas
Andreas V. Meier