On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 09:31:26PM +0100, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
On 10/27/2009 09:20 PM, Viktor Mastoridis wrote:
Hi again,
Is there a voice pop-remover for Linux plugin? Or VST that could be used
in Linux?
the one i use is cross-platform. it's called
UltimateWireFrameGizmoWithAPairOfNylonsStrungOverIt, and comes at a very
You should really try the free trial upgrade to
UltimateWireFrameGizmoWithAPairOfNylonsStrungOverItProLive! (beta)
It does wonders your ears will never believe.
good price.
it works in realtime, uses no cycles, and is latency-free.
unfortunately, it's not suitable for offline processing.
if there are just a few pops, try a higher-order highpass filter and
automate the cutoff frequency (i.e. keep it out of the normal voice
range by default and only move it up during pops).
-Eric Rz.