On Tue, 10 Aug 2010, Dave Phillips wrote:
Okay, I tried building Ceres 0.49 in Ubuntu 10.04, 32-bit. No luck. The
official Ubuntu repos no longer maintain libgtk1-2 development packages.
Other required packages may face the same fate. Too bad, it's a unique
I'm sure there is a repository with gtk1 available somewhere?
It does need updated to contemporary versions of some of its required
toolkits. Probably a lot of work. :(
Really old stuff is included with ceres. I didn't think gtk1 was
that old yet. If that happens I guess I need to include gtk1 as well.
Julien Claassen <julien(a)c-lab.de>
Isn't ceres a frontend for csound?
No, it has nothing to do with csound. :-)
Former versions exported Ceres output data as Csound score files. Is that no
longer true ?
Yes it still does. It can export amplitude/freq data:
fprintf(scorefile,"i1 %8.4f %8.4f %7.2f %7.2f\n",
onset, dur, MEGAMP_GET(point+j)*10000000., MEGFREQ_GET(point+j));
However, this code line hardly qualifies it as a "csound frontend"
though. :-)