used the same options to build Csound 5.08 on both systems here, with
the addition of 64-bit specific options for that platform. I had
problems with the Java wrapper until I added the path to my Java
installation to PATH:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/:/usr/java/bin/
I also defined JAVA_HOME the same way. After that, the wrapper built
Btw, yes, you will need DevIL.so, it's in the lwjgl-optional package
along with IL.so, ILU.so, and ILUT.so, all of which you'll need.
Olé! I've got it working.
DevILdll is called libILso in Linux.
One last problem: the screen resolution.
"Graphics card: null, version: null
Resolution: 1600x1200x24@58Hz
The AVSynthesis program was terminated because an error occured.
Reason: Failed to create display mode w=800h=600
End Program. Cleaning up"
I'm going to try to figure that out by myself.