Andre Majorel wrote:
Andre Majorel
> $ find /dev/ -iname "*midi*"
> /dev/dmmidi1
> /dev/midi1
> /dev/snd/midiC1D0
Now why are there 6 files ? What are they for ?
/dev/snd/midiC1D0 is the ALSA node for card 0, device 0.
/dev/midi1 is the OSS node for compatibility with old applications.
/dev/dmmidi1 is the same as /dev/midi1.
The .udev files are for internal bookkeeping of the udev daemon.
Why don't any of them seem to deal with the second
interface ?
The ports are multiplexed through one device file as subdevices because
there is a limit of four MIDI devices per card in some circumstances.