On Mon Sep 04, 2006 at 05:57:47PM +0200, Stefano Barbi wrote:
Dear all,
I was looking for an application able to filter and route MIDI messages,
such as cc messages from a MIDI controller, to the OSC controls of an
pd can do this, but its lack of dynamism and polyphony means you may need to precreate
actual objects for the various OSC paths and ports you intend to use (unless theres now a
'settable route' or 'settable OSCroute' object). in addition its OSC
support is spaghetti code from 1997 and someone went in recently to 'fix' it on
win32 which incidentally totally broke it on my platform (the OSCx library i mean). and
its not full-duplex and return ports have to be hardcoded instead of negotiated, which
means many OSC apps wont work (i had to bother Dave to add a custom case for this so i
could conect to Om from PD) and it will definitely fuck with the timing. its worth a shot
i'm guessing when OSC and MIDI are both first claas citizens on the jack transport,
this is one of the first apps we'll see.
. Obviously, such application should be able to store
retrieve mappings between MIDI and OSC. Do you know if anything of that
kind exists?