On Friday 25 May 2007 21:30, Lars Luthman wrote:
On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 21:17 +0200, Nigel Henry wrote:
I downloaded Dynebolik, and this has put 2 files
in the directory I
created for it.
I cd'd to the directory and ran md5sum, as below.
[djmons@localhost djmons]$ cd Downloads/Dynebolik
[djmons@localhost Dynebolik]$ md5sum dyne-2.4.2.iso
7526f6228ce60265f830304cd2275c7e dyne-2.4.2.iso
[djmons@localhost Dynebolik]$
Question! Is this verifying that the download is ok? It's providing the
md5sum, but is it verifying that the download of Dynebolik matches the
md5 sum file that was also downloaded.
No, it computes the MD5 checksum for the file dyne-2.4.2.iso. To check
that the file is OK, run 'md5sum -c dyne-2.4.2.iso.md5'.
Thanks a lot Lars. I just got an OK from that.
Still got a problem though. I think the writer is knackered. It's only 3 years
old with not much use. It will still play music cd's through the digital
cable to the soundcard, but data cdroms are coming back as " no media". I
could boot live cd's but these will no longer boot either. Perhaps it's the
data cable, but as I've only been inside to clean out the dust from time to
time, perhaps not.
Writer :
Sony CD-RW CRX230E
First step. Change the data cable. If no go replace the drive I suppose. There
are multiple distros on this AiiiFriend machine, and all are replying with no
media found. Hope it's not the controller on the mobo.
I don't know who suggested getting involved with computers. Probably me, and
now I have to suffer the consequences.
Thanks for the md5 stuff.