On 6/7/20 1:39 PM, Robert Jonsson wrote:
Do you mind sharing a bit more what settings and
toolchain this includes?
kernel? distro? Jack? what buffersettings?
Debian testing
rt kernel
older SSD drive (swap on second hdd)
ext4, no LVM, no encryption
8GB memory
hyperthreading, (bluetooth and other things I don't use) disabled in BIOS.
rtirq-init installed
Behringer UCA222
2 Periods/Buffer
pasuspender -- jackd
realtimeconfigquickscan$ perl realTimeConfigQuickScan.pl
== GUI-enabled checks ==
Checking if you are root... no - good
Checking filesystem 'noatime' parameter... 5.6.0 kernel - good
(relatime is default since 2.6.30)
Checking CPU Governors... CPU 0: 'performance' CPU 1: 'performance' -
Checking swappiness... 10 - good
Checking for resource-intensive background processes... none found - good
Checking checking sysctl inotify max_user_watches... < 524288 - not good
increase max_user_watches by adding 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches =
524288' to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting
For more information, see
Checking access to the high precision event timer... not readable - not good
/dev/hpet found, but not readable.
make /dev/hpet readable by the 'audio' group
For more information, see
Checking access to the real-time clock... not readable - not good
/dev/rtc found, but not readable.
make /dev/rtc readable by the 'audio' group
For more information, see
Checking whether you're in the 'audio' group... yes - good
Checking for multiple 'audio' groups... no - good
Checking the ability to prioritize processes with chrt... yes - good
Checking kernel support for high resolution timers... found - good
Kernel with Real-Time Preemption... found - good
Checking if kernel system timer is high-resolution... found - good
Checking kernel support for tickless timer... found - good
== Other checks ==
Checking filesystem types... ok.
** Set $SOUND_CARD_IRQ to the IRQ of your soundcard to enable more checks.
Find your sound card's IRQ by looking at '/proc/interrupts' and lspci.