So far I found the "FluidR3 GM.SF2" (142M),
how does that compare to
what's outthere?
I can't say I've used a *lot* of soundfonts, but from the ones I've
used, this one sounds the best. But (I personally) found the sterio
panning of the samples to be a hinderance. It gives me less control of
the "left/right spectrum". I've had to set all the panning effects to
the middle. And then there's the issue of "do I merge the two ("left
sample" and "right sample") as one sample. Or do I use the best sounding
sample of the two" (to knock the size down *a lot*). It's been a lot of
work (and it's not done), but I have a lot more control over panning
with the "mono version".
That covers "recoding my own music". But also, I find that other
people's midi files were created with "mono fonts" so the panning is
weird when played back with the FluidR3 GM.SF2 soundfont.
BTW... Why would anyone put a space in a file name? Isn't this just
asking for trouble?