On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 05:30:52PM -0400, S. Massy
wrote :
Hello, all,
Didn't have much time to dedicate to this until this weekend. I
auditioned Genelec 8020As, Adam A5X, and M-audio CX5. The M-audios
turned out a surprisingly good performance for monitors a few hundred
dollars cheaper than the other two. The Genelecs turned out a wonderful
performance for monitors one inch smaller, but I found them a little
harsh for my taste. So the A5Xs won. Frequency response is very good,
and stereo imaging is just superb. I'm getting to know them and am
looking forward to mixing on them.
I'm using Genelec 8020As, and they're great but really not transparent.
They clearly miss some basses (and subs, of course), and they're a bit
too bright (which, in some way, allows to work on details on those
frequencey ranges).
By the way, knowing this, you can work with them, but it's better to
have some other kits to compare.
I think your choice is cool.
While it's a bit late .. The Yamaha MSP-5's are good in that range too.. Watch
out for the M-Audios.. the bass tends to be over inflated and kills out some of
the mids. ....