On 12/08/2009 04:29 AM, Brent Busby wrote:
This is probably something that should be on the
Ardour list, but I'm
not subscribed there, and I seldom enough have questions about Ardour to
What's the most logical (and safest) way to take a section out of a
whole timeline, across all tracks, and move it somewhere else?
Probably describing this in computer terms would be too unwieldly for
such a simple idea -- basically I want the equivalent of a tape splice.
If it's necessary to individually move all the affected regions on all
the affected tracks, I can, but I wondered if there's some simpler way.
Also, I noticed some documentation saying the splice feature was unsafe.
(I'm using Ardour 2.7.1.)
I'm working on one of those songs where all the ideas came together, but
in the wrong order. I've got a section about three-fourths of the way
into it that really should have been the beginning...
Can you select the regions, duplicate/copy, drag to the new start
point, then cut the old parts out of the mix and readjust the following
material to the new start point? I think this will work across multiple
Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd