On 12/28/2013 06:37 AM, Brendan Jones wrote:
Seasons greetings all!
Just a quick announcement to any that didn't know, the Fedora Jam spin
has been released alongside Fedora 20.
Amazing work by Brendan and all others!
For a synopsis of all included packages you can
click here [1], and you
can grab an ISO from here [2]
PlanetCCRMA has also been updated in record time, so go here [3] to add
your RT kernel, linuxsampler, supercollider, puredata and others not
included on the spin.
Actually pd-extended is still missing in action for Fedora 20. If anyone
out there has a patch to build it with Lua 5.2 let me know (it currently
needs Lua 5.1 and Fedora ships with 5.2)...
As a first try you could change the Makefile to use 5.2 instead of 5.1 I
don't know if that will break anything.
The Makefile for pdlua is here:
For linux, lines 154 and 155 need changing from 5.1 to 5.2:
LUACFLAGS += -I/usr/include/lua5.1 # lua is named differently on every
platform, check this and change it to fit
LIBS += -llua5.1 # lua is named differently on every platform, check
this and change it to fit
I don't have 5.2 anywhere here so I can't test it.
-- Fernando
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