On Thu, December 27, 2012 4:18 pm, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
IMHO in most cases they sound horrible, and the sound
all the time unless they are kept at exactly the same distance.
I've started giving singers etc. a Beyer M58 instead. This is
an omni dynamic, originally designed for ENG/EFP so it can take
some abuse. It works very well for singers, and when used
outdoors it picks up much less wind noise than an SM58.
I would guess a lot of that is omni vs. cardioid. How does that effect
monitoring (the main reason for directionality on stage)? I can't see us
getting in ear monitoring any time soon. I think new mics are something
that has a chance.... I may be allowed to replace the worst of the lot
anyway (a Dixon.... worse than most karaoke mics... certainly worse than
the sm58). I have had trouble with battery or phantom power for stage work
with loud pops every time the singer moves so dynamic is what I want even
if it sounds less than studio worthy.
Len Ovens