On Monday 26 December 2005 16:03, Carotinho wrote:
Alle 19:30, domenica 25 dicembre 2005, David Haggett ha scritto:
> On Saturday 24 December 2005 12:54, Carotinho wrote:
> > I've been requested of an audio player
able to crossfade between the
Just tried it
in Amarok. Works brilliantly.
Maybe I've not expressed properly. I've just compiled Amarok, but (aside
for being a very nice software - why I didn't install it before!) what it
can do is to fade out a song, and then fade in the following song, but not
Apologies. To test it (i don't normally use the cross-fade effect) I advanced
through the playlist manually (with the ">|") button, and it cross-faded, so
I assumed it worked.
I find that you are correct, it does indeed fade-out one track before fading
in the next. I am glad you like the application, so my advice wasn't a
complete waste.
Happy Christmas to you too.
David Haggett