On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 14:59:52 +0100, James Stone wrote
I was thinking that it would be nice to build these samples into properly
layered instruments like the Garritan set for Akai and Giga. Since I
have not the faintest clue how to build one of these sampler formats,
I thought I would post here for some info. Alternatively, I was
thinking that soundfonts could be another way to do it though there
is a size limit on these AFAIK. I know that there is the freepat
project which is trying to do similar things (but as far as I can
see at the moment they are just building a general midi patchset..
perhaps this sort of thing is planned by them for the future..?)
Soundfonts are OK, but they don't handle everything, say, a GIG file does,
such as key-switching. That said, I have a Windows program that I use to
regularly translate GIG files to SF2 format - Chicken Systems' Translator.
What it does when it comes across a key-switch is create a new patch or voice.
So you still have everything, it's just programmed a bit differently. I've
successfully gotten Voices of the Apocalyse translated to SF2 format - the
files are huge. File sizes range from 400 meg to aounrd 600 meg.
I'm currently trying you get Translator running under Wine (crossover office).
It installs fine, but when I go to start up the pgm for the first time, it
needs to read a hidden file on the CD. I haven't figured out a way around
that one yet.