Frank Barknecht wrote:
Ismael Valladolid Torres hat gesagt: // Ismael
Valladolid Torres wrote:
I just got a PhatBoy MIDI controller. However its
software version is
v1 so its mode III only allows me sending CC in the range 1-13. I
wonder if there's out there any ALSA MIDI translator which allows me
to change this CC realtime to different CC more useful for
i.e. zynaddsubfx.
Every decent modular synth environment like Pd or Supercollider can do
this. Pd is easy to learn, so you may want to start there. You can
start Pd as "pd -noaudio" to not make it run without its audio engine
and with "-nogui" to not even show its GUI.
While Frank is certainly correct, I'm still going to bitch about the
fact that I'd have to use Pd for such a minor function. It's like
driving my car across the street to get milk, it's too much tool for the
I guess at some unknown point in time I'll learn enough FLTK to slap
together some kind of GUI for a standalone MIDI event mapper. Holborn's
midirgui would be a good container for such functions, but he doesn't
seem interested in expanding it.