On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 08:03:18PM +0200, Tommy wrote:
hi all,
I've a keyboard midi "Roland PC-300" that work perfectly with GNU/Linux
(and Demudi 1.2.0rc3)
Now I want to use an old pc only for piano, let me explain.
1) I connect the keyboard PC-300 into pc (off)
2) I turn on the pc
3) automatically I play with my keyboard with my preferred instrument
"the Piano" (or a synth like qsynth for selecting the instrument from
the bank with midi selection of keyboardmidi)
4) ctrl-alt-canc for turn off the pc (I know in /etc/inittab how to do
this :) )
One option might be to find a motherbaord which has working suspend to ram
support, so you can press a button on the front of the case and it will
wake up in a few seconds, and press it again and it will sleep.
I dont know if there /are/ any destop motherbaords with working suspend to
ram though :)
- Steve