On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:33 AM, cal wrote:
David Adler wrote:
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:14 AM, Folderol wrote:
This is a set of ZynAddSubFX tutorials produced
by the man himself.
I can recommend them all, and be prepared to be amazed :O
Has anyone got the handy little 'Unison' section at
the bottom of the 'Adsynth Voice Patameters' window?
It appears in the videos, e.g. in the fifth one at 0:56.
Appears neither in the screenshots on its website
nor in my copy.
I'm using the newest 2.4.0/yoshimi. Perhaps it's just
the 'man himself' his latest personal hack to avoid
copying voices manually.
Paul's been steadily committing unison work into the git repository over the last
couple of months.
From the commit summaries and the video evidence, I suspect it might be ready to
try out at least.
Thank you for clarification.
I'm surprised (and pleased) to see zyn still under
active developement, I just didn't expect this.
Maybe that false expectation was the reason for
me not considering to look for this feature in the
VCS version.