On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 14:29 -0400, Dave Phillips wrote:
John Lyon wrote:
Where did you learn about composing using the
12-tone row?
Various books and scores, atonal ear-training, listening to a lot of
freely and not-so-freely chromatic music.
From the book by Schonberg? (sp?) From another
I started with Reginald Smith-Brindle's Serial Composition. Later I
studied useful texts by Charles Wuorinen, George Perle, Pierre Boulez,
many others. I'm also a big fan of Elliott Carter and Stefan Wolpe,
their music and their theoretical writings.
i might also humbly add "Music of The Whole Earth" which will provide
you with a very big picture view of scales, intervals and tone selection
against which the various forms used in the west over the last 600 years
become merely a handful of possibilities amidst a sea of beauty. not a
help with 12 tone specifically, but it helped me see where it fits into
the ocean of the possible.