Hello everyone
Whilst looking at NAMM-related music news yesterday, I
stumbled across something that I thought might be of
interest to some people here -- I don't think it's been
mentioned before, apologies if it has.
"What is it?
"MeeBlip is a hackable, affordable digital synthesizer,
made for accessible sound and hands-on control. It can be
someone’s first synth. It can be a unique-sounding
addition to your music setup, playable with MIDI hardware
and software. It can be a synth you open up and modify,
learning about sound creation, code, and electronics. Or it
can be the basis of new projects and ideas.
"* Out of the box, a monophonic virtual analog synth.
* Eight user-definable knobs and sixteen slide switches,
for hands-on
control with the immediacy of a classic
* Tasty digital synth sounds."
And the bit that I thought might be very tempting to some:
"* Use it as-is, or use the source code to remap controls
or completely
redefine the instrument’s
The no-soldering-required, push together kit is $129 and
there's a kit which does require soldering for $79.
Schematics are on the website and code on
I've got virtually all of my synthesis needs covered
already (mostly analogue with a bit of VA), plus I'm no
programmer and not into circuit-bending or electronics. I'm
still kinda tempted though -- good job I'm broke! But I
thought others here might find it interesting.
Kind regards
Thanks to let us know about this hard synth. I'm thinking in order one of them next
Like Arduino, Open Hardware Projects are becoming popular and relevant.
Joan Quintana