On Fri, 6 Jan 2006 at 13:52 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 12:10 +0000, Markus Herhoffer
Thanks! I've got the missing files by eMail -
and it works! For
documentation a short summary:
1) blacklist snd-usb-audio for hotplug
2) get the firmware of the device from the usbmidi project (or from
somewhere else)
3) get fxload
4) use the following shell script to load the firmware
#! /bin/bash
modprobe snd-usb-audio #if not already loaded at startup
cd /usr/share/usb/midisport
fxload -D /proc/bus/usb/*BUS*/*DEVICE* MidiSportLoader.ihx -I
Substitute *BUS* and *DEVICE* with the numbers you get by running lsusb.
Thanks to everyone who helped me!
Um, hold on, you should not have to blacklist snd-usb-audio to make this
work. Hotplug should load the firmware automatically.
Yes, and it was doing so very well for my midisport device also.
I think there's some confusion in this thread. Some of us are having a
hard time when upgrading to versions of udev that supersede hotplug
(i.e. there is no hotplug). I have solved that problem but it wasn't
easy. I offer to help anyone with the same hurdle, and to help fix the
usb-midi-fw.sf.net project too (see the existing bug report [1]).
Others seem to be having unrelated problems on hotplug systems and are
opting for the simpler shell script solution. When you get tired of
running the shell script by hand, come back and we'll help you get it
working with (udev|hotplug). But if you're happy with the ad-hoc
solution, and would rather just get on with making music, well I can't
argue with that. :)
Hans Fugal ;
There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the
right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.
-- Johann Sebastian Bach