--- En date de : Mar 14.12.10, Frank Kober <goemusic(a)yahoo.fr> a écrit :
--- En date de : Sam 11.12.10, Mark
Knecht <markknecht(a)gmail.com>
a écrit :
Sounds like fun.
It would be very cool to hear some audio examples.
- Mark
That's it, I've taken the time to make some commented
"tutorial" videos.
I hope you don't fall asleep along my lame talk :), part II
is probably more interesting.
Part I:
Part II:
There is also a small music demo piece I made. This mainly
uses the sequencers and lfo's in qmidiarp along with
hydrogen, seq24, calf organ, monosynth and yoshimi. The arps
are only used for percussive guitar-like chords:
Hope you can enjoy
Linuxmao currently has some performance problems, if that link doesn't
work right away please try back later...
Sorry for the noise