On Wed, 7 Jan 2015 12:49:12 +0100, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
QED you among the others are claiming about nothing
concrete, I ran
debian on my servers and desktops, switching to systemd did not
caused a single issue. I've read tons of posts like your, nothing
concrete about systemd, just repeating over and over again the same
four silly things about phantom sys admin being stucked by ... what?
Furthermore, those who are stucked by filesystem check at startup are
either noobs or completely ignorants which can't use tune2fs
After a systemd upgrade it mounts your disk read-only after fsck. So
editing was required. Use mkinitcpio fsck hook and rw on the kernel
commandline or don't use the hook and ro on the kernel
commandline. There also was the systemd-213 bug
When I follow stable releases from upstream I expect backwards
compatibility and no serious bugs. You can't blame users, when upstream
has got the attitude not to care about different set ups and work-flows.
In addition I already gave several examples, however, I dislike to
continue this discussion. I likely use a real systemd environment
longer than you do. Perhaps Debian doesn't use it's hybrid
systemd anymore and switched to a real systemd too.
Anyway, the "attitude" not to care about "noobs" or different needs
nothing to do how long we use a real systemd environment from upstream,
if we experienced no or much issues.
Some people (not a minority) experience/d much issues.
I heard even from people who like systemd, that they dislike
journalctl. If you like too, I could ask a group of people, including
admins, to invite you to an off-list mailing group against systemd. I'm
the only Arch user, the others are Debian users.
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