Hi all, and thanks for responses!
I bought a copy of Sequent and must admit it's a really cool piece of
software! I haven't got it working standalone yet, but maybe I'll give
it another try sometime soon...
Ardour 3 hosted Sequent very well, and transmitted the tempo as I
wanted! The problem is: I want to manipulate tempo via Jack Transport
so that I can get arpeggiator, delay and sequent to the same tempo and
be able to change that with tap tempo on midi keyboard. I tried to
change settings so that Ardour could take tempo from Jack Transport,
but no success. Playing, stopping and rewinding worked. I'm not sure
though, if I want to use beta software anyway (altough A3 beta seemed
quite stable).
I got it working by hosting Sequent in Renoise demo and setting
Hydrogen as transport master. two problems: 1) Renoise is only a demo
version, and I would like to work with open source software. I have no
interest buying Renoise only to use it as plugin host for one
plugin... 2) Hydrogen crashed after five minutes of testing. I've had
same kind of experiences with Hydrogen earlier, so I'd need an another
application, that could act as transport master and could receive tap
tempo commands (via midi, OSC or some other method). Tried Klick, but
it seems that it doesn't work for my needs. It would either need a
pre-defined tempo map or static tempo. Changing tempo by tapping is
possible, but then it doesn't work with Jack Transport. Sigh.
Any suggestions of Linux VSTi -capable plugin hosts, that could
transmit tempo from Jack Transport to the plugin? Or any clues how to
get A3 working with tempo from Jack Transport?
Heikki Ketoharju
afaict, only vst has this interface to convoy transport information from
host to plugin atm. sth. in the lines of
audioMasterGetTime(&vstTimeInfo); w/e...
i cannot say a thing about the "au"ther plugin spec (pun intended) but to
date lv2 has no specicific extension for just that and none of the currently
developed or ported plugins so far has that interest or capability.
although, re. ported vst-to-lv2 plugins subject, falktx has been the head
that fostered the linux-vst transport thing on the first place. among other
(a lot) more interesting things ;)
rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela
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