On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 05:31:46PM -0400, John Ouzts
Thank you. "du -m /dev/shm" shows 320
megabytes of memory locked out by
pulseaudio, even after its processes have been killed. So my mileage did
not vary at all.
If an audio subsystem is using 320MB of memory it's broken. Just dump it.
I think you followed Lennart's presentation @LAC2010 [1] explaining the
motivation for this: Pulseaudio keeps buffers sometimes 10 secs long or
even more. The reason for that is to have the CPU wake up as little as
possible in order to save power.
That PA does not release that memory is either a bug or because of the
way it got killed.
FWIW jackd also locks ~80MB in /dev/shm here.