On 01/15/2012 11:09 PM, David Baron wrote:
OK, my two cents.
I prefer FLOSS because of the huge freedom of choice. If only all of this
stuff were interoperable, this would be utopia, but alas ...
A commercial package will usually (!!) be more of a finish product because the
authors have (more of!!) an incentive to make it nicer, easier to use for non-
geeks, etc. I miss the old Cakewalk Home Studio (Sonar's little sister and a
lot of bang for the buck) but my Windows-98 is dead.
So I have several packages with similar work-flow: OOMidi (I have yet to get
that one working, however), Ardour, QTractor, all have SOME of the ease of use
and difficulties of their own. So now, enter Bitwig. I want to try the beta,
see how it does. Maybe I will spring for it in the end (if I do not get it
free for the beta-testing bother--I have several Windows programs on this
basis!) if I really love it. I start out with Windows MIDI tools that work 99%
with wine but need a package to put it all together, digitize, record live
parts and mix down. Ardour3 or Qtractor might do it. Rosegarden is also a
venerable and old alternative as well.
Hmm, RG is up to version 11.11.42. If your experience with RG is the the
1.7x series that many distros offered up long after its freshness date
expired, you might check it out.
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