Am 27.05.2011 21:43, schrieb Paul Davis:
Jack 0.120.2 is now available.
This is primarily a bug fix release, though some of the bugs are important.
* Fix issues with stack initialization in client threads that stole
large chunks of the stack from applications.
* if the ALSA backend finds that a device is busy, try to tell the
user what application(s) are using it.
Great! This will help a lot of users that face problems starting Jack in
recent Distros. So thanks a lot for that major improvement!
* Reimplement the
jack_cycle_wait/jack_cycle_signal() API for OS X,
where in previous versions it was completely non-functional.
* extended documentation for the transport API data structures.
* extended documentation for the JACK Session API
* more useful warning message when duplicate port registration is attempted
* fix logic for setting up device parameters in the ALSA backend
(fixes JACK startup on some ALSA-supported devices that would report
"impossible sample width (1) discovered" during startup).
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