i guess seq24 has no jack support
you have just the possibility to control the transport (play, stop,
pause) via jack
but seq24 has full alsa midi sequencer support
Ok this is where I have to look at!
so use alsa patch bay if you need a gui configuration
make your audio connection with jack
and the midi connection with alsa patch bay or directly in seq24
when you edit a new sequence you can precise the destination of the midi
Strange, but when with seq-0.6.1, when I start it before zynaddsubfx, zyn shows up in the
otpions menu, but doesn't work... but it does with the latest version, so there is no
more problem on this side
Thank's again.
Le jeudi 28 avril 2005 à 23:51 +0000, cochardy a écrit :
> Hi
> Ok ok, I installed gentoo, I installed jack, I installed the realtime
> module (it shows up with lsmod and in jack). But seq24 won't "work":
> If I use seq24-0.6.2 or 0.6.3, then it won't even start, won't even show
> in jack.
> If I use seq24-0.6.1 it starts, but it won't show up in jack, or won't
> find any apps like zynaddsubfx, but at least, seq24 starts with this
> version when I press the play button (and the refresh button of jack
> "blink" like it does on FC3).
> When I use fedora core 3, seq24-0.6.1 shows up in jack through
> "midithrough" and works fine. I don't really know what that is and how
> to enable that...
> What is this "midithrough" in jack, how can I manage to have it in the
> gentoo's jack?
> I would be happy to know the way to the solution (then I stay on Gentoo
> forever... :-) )
> Thank's
> Yves