The Sineshaper synth comes with some presets that you
can play or use
as starting points for your own synth settings. You can not change
these "factory presets", but you can create and save your own
presets. They are written to the file .sineshaperpresets in your home
directory. If you make any nice presets I would really like to hear
no it built fine and I had the occasion to play a bit with it.
Some comments, if you're interested:
* The presets don't show up for any reason
* If the default settings could be adjusted, it would give a more
immediate start:
** Decrease Gain (! ;-)
** Decrease Delay
** Decrease amp release time
* I noticed that parameter changes take a long time until these take
effect. Even moving the pitch bend wheel did last some milliseconds
until it was audible. Same when playing with the UI controls
* Can it be switched to be polyphonic?
OK, enough for today, it's bed time now :) .
Thanks for the code and good night,