On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 12:24:48 +0100, Antonio wrote:
I've done the question because I noticed that
jamin increase the latency
much more then other apps (like ardour or jack-rack). For example the
with the setup:
midi -> ZynAddSubFX -> jack-rack -> ardour -> alsa out
(5.3 ms)
I have no (at least easily) audible delay when I play (using 2 periods
of 512 frames), while with:
midi -> ZynAddSubFX -> jamin -> alsa out
Thats because the processing in jamin is high latency - jack itsself
doesnt add any latency, no matter how many apps you connect.
Well, actually thats not true - it will add latency if you have a jack
feedback loop, but only 1 buffers worth. With trees and chains you dont
get any additional lantecy over what the app adds.
- Steve