begin Larry Troxler <lt(a)>
<some snippage>
On Sun, 8 Dec 2002, Guy Daniel CLOTILDE wrote:
> Hi
> On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 21:28:25 -0500 (EST)
> Larry Troxler <lt(a)> wrote / a écrit:
> > I honestly think that if you want to learn jazz, you need
> > to get with a group of like-minded people and go through some exercises
> > that are found in jazz improvisation books. The things that you want your
> (etc)
> Really sorry, but I _strongly_ disagree with you. I play jazz in bands,
> but don't call myself a jazzman anyway. Lots of my friends are. But,
> everybody who has touched bbox has greatly improved his style and we all
> agree it's a great tool.
question - i searched for "bbox" on freshmeat and sourceforge and came
up with nada. it also appears to not be packaged by debian.
can you give me an url for it?
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