On Thursday 01 July 2010 10:15:36 nepal wrote:
Actually my view is very simple on this. You have rights and ownership
of everything you bring into the world when you are born.
Before telling others, fine. After telling others, this is problematic. Are we
to have the joke police at the water coolers of the world to pay royalties to
joke writers when someone tells a joke they heard last night?
At some point, the web it *much* too complicated for tracking this sort of
thing to work. Plus, the structures needed to enforce the same will kill all
else if provided by Nature for ALL living creatures of which Man is
only 1.
As I said I'm not interested in trying to fix a system that is not
broken but fundamentally flawed. You only have to look over the
internet and see the thousands upon thousands of discussion groups and
lists such as this where this conversation is going on. It may not be
about music or artists, but it is the same fundamental conversation
about the same fundamental problem.
all the best,