On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 08:57 +0200, Nick Copeland wrote:
Hi All,
Bristol itself does not fall back to ALSA, but the compilation did not
include the Jack code (will upload a fix today). Without the Jack code in
the executable (try 'ldd $BRISTOL/bin/bristol' and look for libjack) then
there is per se no support and we drop through to the audio device, this is
correct operation for the compiled binary and the fix is for me to be a
little wiser in compilation. I will add a flag to the effect of printing an
error message when Jack is selected and the libraries were not included in
the compilation. This first release only looked for Jack headers and
libraries in the default location, /usr/local/ and if they could not be
found there then tough. The fix is just for me to look a little bit further
than the end of my nose :-)
no, the correct fix is to use the same tool that everybody else does for
pkg-config [ opts ] jackit
if the user doesn't have pkg-config installed, then they can't compile a
zillion other things too.