I've been thinking that a pitch-to-midi converter would be a
handy tool for those of us who play instruments other than piano.
I imagine it can't be much harder than breaking the signal down
into its component frequencies, and figuring out what the
greatest common factor is of the frequency peaks. There are
probably other considerations that I'm not thinking about off the
top of my head, but it seems like a doable project, if nothing
like that exists already.
On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 09:06:03PM -0500, Brett McCoy wrote:
Also, is there a module that will convert an audio
signal to CV? I
know MCV converts MIDI to CV.
That would be a real trick. MIDI is easy because it is a defined protocol
with a finite set of instructions... you are basically doing a
digital-to-analog conversion of MIDI control instructions to a defined set
of voltages to control a synth. There might be something out there, but I
daresay it's probably not software-based. You are probably better off
getting a bass or guitar MIDI interface and using that.
-- Brett