do you mind saying a little more about jack transport, ie: step by steps?
I'm to understand you just let it do its job, there's nothing to do, but I
have not experienced this phenomenon :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Hemba" <tomhemba(a)>
To: "A list for linux audio users" <linux-audio-user(a)>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] Syncing Ardour and Rosegarden (or Muse)
John Williams wrote:
I would like to set up synchronisation of ardour
(ardour-0.9beta9-1.rhfc1.ccrma) and rosegarden
(rosegarden4-0.9.5-1.rhfc1.ccrma) on Fedora. I have tried _many_
combinations of setting ardour and rosegarden as slave and master, and
using MIDI or jack master/slave systems. No joy.
It is possible? And if so, how?
Synchronisation is a hot topic for me as well. As far as I understand
it, if you want to sync 2 programs your best bet is to use jack
master/slave. Ardour currently syncs with jack. In other words, after
making the proper settings in Ardour and you press play in Ardour you
can see the jack transport move as well - which to me is a sign of great
hope. I have heard that the CVS version of Hydrogen also syncs with
jack. I have read in the MusE list that they have got it working as
well since the last stable release (0.6.2) - so it's possible that if
you tried the CVS version it would work - although there are 2 different
development trees and I don't know which one you should try. I don't
know about the status of Rosegarden. Anyways - In summary it is getting
really close. I'd love to hear if you make any further progress. Also
if anyone else has better information please correct me.
Thomas Hemba