On 22/06/10 03:31, Aaron L. wrote:
Hi all.
I don't do any midi stuff.
I've messed around with it a bit and understand the basics but I'm
wondering if a certain midi "feature" (not sure what to call it) exists.
Let's say you have a pre-recorded bass track......
And you create a midi file out of it....
Would it be possible to trigger each individual note of that midi file
with, say, a kick pedal in real, human time?
This would mean that every kick drum hit would trigger a new note (the
next one in the series) but would still be triggered by a human
being's sense of rhythm.
You could have a look at SuperCollider - it's an audio synthesis
programming language, where some of the built in language functions do
various audio-related things. Programming something like this would be a
fair bit of work, but it should definitely be possible.