On Fri, 2004-04-09 at 13:24, Mark Knecht wrote:
Russell Hanaghan wrote:
Being eternally optimistic (Not!) these cards have SPDIF digital out. Is
there any way to link them internally via software or even externally?
(THought I'd ask the stupid question :) )
Not if they only have s/pdif outs on both cards.
You can hook a s/pdif out to a s/pdif in, and then IF, IF, IF, the card
with the s/pdif in has software to tell it to accept it's clock from
s/pdif instead of its crystal you could tell it to sync to s/pdif.
I doubt that a SB has this capability, but I'm and optimist also, so go
look I suppose.
Wish it was easier, but your trying to do something with two $19 cards
that I had to buy $500 cards to accomplish. I don't want you to be *too*
successful. ;-)
LOL! 8~) I feel your pain but I dont think you will
have to "strike me of the Xmas card list" just yet!
If you are a home brew type, you might possibly be able to find a clock
signal on one board, cut away that signal on the second card and hook a
wire between the two. That way both cards would run at 44099 Hz, if they
ran at all... ;-) (If they didn't, it's only $19 though, right?)
These cards have the SPDIF in from a CD/DVD inside...that has to route
close to where it needs to be. I think the ins and outs are the easy
bit...it's if the hardware can take software instructions in Linux to
accept the external sync...and even if the SBlive Emu10k1 chip is
Good luck,