On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 08:36:37PM +0100, Set Hallstrom wrote:
right on! actualy, record to a simple and cheap-o
cassette tape
sliiiiiighlty in the red, and then record it back to digital, compress
it with a nice calf plugin and voila: you have now your own unique and
really good UA-sound-a-like tape-dirt. <3
I saw a mastering video with a guy who charges US$1k/song or something, and his
"secret weapon" was a 2-track 1/4" deck. He'd dump the master mix from
ProTools to the 1/4" deck at like 30ips, resample it back, and that got him the sweet
lucrative loving he wanted from his customers.
I thought, wow. You take a medium in which even cheap consumer crap has effectively
perfect resolution, and dump it to a medium with basically 12-bits resolution (analog
tape), and then A/D it back, and that's "the sound" they wanted.
Humans are weird.