Just reporting on status of hooking up VOIP to JACK.
I'm sure there
are many wondering.
I found twinkle softphone to work very well with oss2jack. (I'm on
linux-2.6.18-rt1). Twinkle unfortunately does not separate the UI from
the core, but it's the only piece of software I've found that works.
does that require OSS emulation? sounds like a lot of work. is there a good wiki entry on
using oss2jack?
twinkle doesnt work with plug:jack (i thas a similar problem to sweep, where it thinks 0
devices exist)
ekiga works fine with plug:jack. in fact it works better than pure hw: or plughw: where i
get intractible stuttering and no options to adust the buffer size etc
and yeah. a native JACK VOIP client with no GUI, woudl be nice.. something that just
autoconnects or soething, maybe a small ncurses daemon, ive heard you can use asterisk as
a softphone, but afaik it has no jack support..
ekiga isnt perfect, i get nothing but silence when calling my own asterisk. but can make
calls via other asterisks running at commercial VOIP providers no problem, and ive enabled
all the codecs. .. a few versions ago it didnt have the problem, but back then it didnt
work right with jack plug.
and it still likes to get into tripped out feedback loops sometimes when initiating a
call. and afaik you cant run asterisk and ekiga on the same host without manualy overring
the port 5060 in their configs since otherwise they both contend for it..
iow, VOIP on linux? totall sucks . as a user.. as a server, im sure it kicks ass thanks to
asterisk ...