måndagen den 19 juli 2004 21.13 skrev Russell Hanaghan:
On Sun, 2004-07-18 at 14:29, Robert Jonsson wrote:
I THINK Muse is fast approaching the point where I can
dump Winblows
altogether where I use Sonar XL 2.1 as my sequencer playback app. I
could live without the sequencer bit but the use of softsynths has been
a bit rough with both Muse and Rosegarden.
I'm hoping you'll find that this has improved grately. That is my view anyway.
There is still alot to do before we can rival Sonar (if ever) but it
definitely works in it's current form.
All I use is softsynths.
Namely, Roland VSC which is robust, uniform in its samples and GS
Just installed Muse 7.0 on my Mandrake system (10.0) from Thac's. When I
run Muse it complains that it's looking for SCHED_FIFO and wont start.
I'm using the 2.6.7 kernel with capabilities. (modprobe realtime any=1
allcaps=1 gid=29) I have added my user account to group 29 and Jack,
Ardour, etc all run in RT from my user account.
Does it work if you run it as root ?
I haven't really tried running under a 2.6 kernel yet so I don't have any
immediate ideas.
I'm excited to test the new Muse out.
> Regards,
> /MusE Development team