Excerpts from alexander's message of 2010-05-22 22:55:10 +0200:
Yes, midi sustain is either on or off, where anything
from 63 and below
is OFF and 64 and above is ON. So velocity sensitive pedals should exist
(I haven't looked into it). eg sustain message 120 would be a loud ON
and 35 would be a moderate OFF.
This is what my keyboard sends for pressing and releasing the pedal
(according to aseqdump, with a couple of Active Sensing cut out).
LS interprets the value 48 as sustain off.
24:0 Control change 0, controller 64, value 0
24:0 Control change 1, controller 64, value 0
24:0 Active Sensing
24:0 Control change 0, controller 64, value 48
24:0 Control change 1, controller 64, value 48
24:0 Active Sensing
24:0 Control change 0, controller 64, value 127
24:0 Control change 1, controller 64, value 127
24:0 Active Sensing
24:0 Control change 0, controller 64, value 48
24:0 Control change 1, controller 64, value 48
24:0 Active Sensing
24:0 Control change 0, controller 64, value 0
24:0 Control change 1, controller 64, value 0
I know that releasing the sustain sounds quit dry and
unnatural and that
is a common problem with midi. The problem is the note-off message(which
actually is a note-on message with value 0, at least on my m-audio
keyrig) is sent even if the sustain is on (>64) and the sample player
simply ignores it. The optimal solution would be to have the sample
player both remembering and releasing the note-off message at the same
time. Then you could have the hammer noise releases play even if sustain
is on and playing the harmonic string resonance samples when the sustain
is released(off).
I don't know how many samples you have in there that I don't even
consciously hear :)
Raising what seems to be the overall release time helps a bit, but a
post processing fade out is still necessary.
The other
thing is that removing your whole pedal section doesn't really
hurt. There seem to be some bugs in that section:
<group> hikey=-1 lokey=-1 on_locc64=64 on_hicc64=127 off_by=2
hikey and lokey take values from 0 to 127 according to:
Yes, this is a bit odd but I found another resource that said you have
to disable note-on messages by giving hi/lokey a -1 value. Else
on_hi/locc# wont work. I sort of confirmed it by loading the free sfz
player in dssi-vst and trying it there, I couldn't properly test it tho
as it kept crashing when I loaded the whole instrument.
Ok, very strange. I leave it out for now.
Someone who
works with sfz told me that LS currently has a bug and
needs offby instead of off_by.
<group> hikey=0 lokey=0 on_locc64=0 on_hicc64=63 group=2 volume=-30
This line refers to group=2 which doesn't exist.
The group=2 opcode is connected to off_by=2. What it does is that when a
region that has the group=2 plays, it stops all regions that has
off_by=2. As for now one could comment out the pedal action section as
the on_lo(hi)cc# opcodes aren't implemented in LS yet.
Ok, I don't understand it, but commenting out is what I did :)
These are just
some things that were noticed, I didn't even try to
understand sfz and didn't check the whole file. I'm very happy that the
Salamander exists and will certainly use it, so thanks :)
I'm happy you like it!
I sure do. The Yamaha e-piano I have only has a TRS headphone out and the
cable I soldered to connect it to my audio interface doesn't quite fit
into the Yamahas socket, so I can't get a sane recording from it.
A nice sounding sampled piano is just what I need, thanks :)