On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 12:07:39AM +0200, Arnold Krille wrote:
And that was neither a watermark in the audio, nor
special track on the cd,
just a normal windows boot sector executing a stinking trojan and opening your
machine up to code execution from sony (and everyone who hacked sony or knew
how to use that insecure backdoor opened by sony on your machine).
The blame for executing any code from a medium that isn't supposed
to have any executable content is and remains only with the system
that does it. It was a dirty trick from Sony, but possible only
because Windows allowed it.
And if some day a hacker exploits Linux desktops executing 'autorun'
files on USB sticks, don't blame that hacker but send him/her some
flowers. The blame is entirely on the system allowing that (usually
to create 'a rich user experience').