On Mo, 2007-08-20 at 13:04 -0500, Matt Rockwell wrote:
I am seeking assistance with a couple of issues relating to my Ubuntu
server stream box.
1. I am currently running darkice to create a stream from a Delta1010
interface. Is there a way to create additional streams from
additional inputs? I have everything configured with ALSA for the
first stereo input pair, but I cannot figure out how to create
another stream from the second stereo pair.
2. I would like to configure a box with as little config as possible
to connect to a stream on boot and pass the audio to the audio
port. I cannot find a command line util to do this, and I am not
sure how to configure something like this to automatically connect
on boot.
My goal is to build a temporary (one year) backup Studio to Transmitter
link for our station. We currently have a wireless lan connection to
campus because we are located off campus. This existing configuration
bottlenecks at about 20 listeners with our Icecast2 server on the studio
end of the network. New construction has blocked our microwave path and
reduced us to a POTS codec to feed our FM transmitter.
We are about to move our microwave transmitter to a different building
on-campus and deliver the audio over the IP connection. At the same
time, I would like to move our Icecast2 relay box to the new on-campus
location to get the connecting traffic off of the wireless link. If I
can, I would like to send a higher bandwidth stream for the microwave in
addition standard "low" and "high" .mp3 streams. Right now, if I add
the higher bandwidth stream to the current darkice config, all streams
start to skip. While I can drive everything off of one pair of analog
inputs on the Delta1010, I would like to use two seperate stereo pair so
that Emergency Alerts are not on the webstream feed.
Any suggested configurations would be most helpful. Thanks all.
Hi Matt,
did you try out oddcast with jack? It works really great for me with an
icecast 2 relay server.
Just launch oddcast after starting the jack-server and specify the
channels you want to record from, e.g.:
oddcastv3 -c <config file> alsa_pcm:capture_5 alsa_pcm:capture_6
to record from channel 5 and 6.
You can define stream quality,destination,mount point, ... in different
config files and I think it should be possible to run several instances
of oddcast from even the same input if you need this.
You can download oddcast from
For an automatic start you could write a small shell-script that's
executed at boot time to start jack and a little bit later the instances
of oddcast.