PTLE for me. Thought about an 002 and decided before I
jumped I'd give
Linux a try.
Are you running an 001, then? I bought my Digidesign AudioMedia III card
(2-in, 2-out, analog or digital) just a few months before the 001 was
announced. Needless to say, it was rather frustrating that there was no
upgrade path. My studio partner and I were also unfortunate enough to
purchase our MIX plus system just shortly before Pro Tools HD was announced.
Absolutely. I need to go to Guitar Center an buy my
latest 6.01 upgrade
if I want to stay on the treadmill.
We're still at 5.1.3. We'd have to upgrade all of our plug-ins to MacOS X
versions if we switched to PT6 :(
Yep, this is a problem. My solution was to use a 1394
drive for my audio
drive, both under Pro Tools (Win XP) and Linux. It then doubles as a
simple way to get data between boxes if I don't want to spend time
messign with getting Samba working...
This sounds like a great solution. In a pinch, it would also be away of
getting files between here and the studio. I'll definitely have to look
into that.
For what
it's worth, I've also posted my XF86Config:
It has a few things I need to fix, but nothing that I think would affect
audio performance.
I'm terrible at kernel configuration, so I hope someone else will help
more with this part.
I'm confused by what you quoted. XF86Config is my X configuration. .config
is my kernel configuration.
OK, I certainly get how this has happened, but I
eventually tricked my
Dell P3 500 box that runs GigaStudio into playing nice. It was no fun
though. Here's the short version of the story...
Thanks, I'll try your technique as soon as I can make the time.
The thing you probably want to understand is that
right now every
Ethernet packet that arrives has higher priority than your sound card or
your disk drives. IRQ11 beats IRQ14/15 for the disks or IRQ5 for the
sound card.
Yup - this irks me to no end, but I wasn't able to fix it in my initial
So, if your Ethernet adapter is a card, take it and
the sound card out,
put the sound card in the Ethernet slot, and then reboot and see what
you get.
This was the first thing I tried. Same IRQ asignments even after the
change. I'd look up the BIOS settings so I could better explain the
problem, but my Linux box is building a new kernel right now.
Possibly. Not sure. I don't remember building
drivers for mine, but
that's another PC than this one.
Come to think of it, I'm not sure whether I've even looked for the drive
under Linux since I plugged it in. It might actually be there. I suppose
I'd have to build the controller drivers in order to access the drive at any
reasonable speed, however.
Benjamin Flaming
"The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated