Last Sunday 11 July 2004 21:28, hansfong(a) was like:
Can someone give me a hint about the following...
My midi-keyboard is connected to my Audigy soundcard and I use qjackctl to
connect it to the emu10k1 wavetable as follows:
Readable clients Writable clients
64:0 Audigy MPU-401 (UART) ----> 65:0 Emu10k1 WaveTable
Now I want to add some reverb with JackRack. How do I do that? My idea was
the following...
64:0 Audigy MPU-401 (UART) ----> 129:0 JackRack control
129:0 JackRack control ----> 65:0 Emu10k1 WaveTable
...only this doesn't work. What does?
MIDI = control signals
Audio = sound
This patch routes MIDI control signals from JackRack into your wavetable
synth. You might trigger some random notes this way, but you won't be hearing
any nice reverbs. You want to route JackRack's Audio output to the alsa_pcm
input (i.e. NOT the MPU-401) using the previous (Audio) tab.
tim hall