I have forwarded this to alsa-devel as there is probably more luck
finding the answer here and it would be a valuable thread to have as a
R Parker wrote:
I can't help you much, however, unless JACK has
recently been worked on I think there's a 32 track
limitation. It's known to be technically trivial.
Otherwise I don't believe alsa would be a problem,
assuming you've got wordclock i/o on the hammerfall
Midi Time Code syncronization in Ardour could also be
problematic, it doesn't work with my Tascam DM-24.
Even though transport location is accurate, the
automation system can't interpret Ardour mtc. Paul has
announced his intention to implement SMPTE but I'm not
sure if that's been done yet.
I wonder what the status of 96kHz adat is with the
hammerfall drivers.
Anyway, that's not much help. Sorry.
--- Ronald van Engelen <ronalde(a)xs4all.nl> wrote:
>After rereading my message, I saw too many
>unclarities and typos, so
>I'll try again.
>The problem is that we have to transfer a few hours
>of 72-channel music
>from three synced Mackie SDR24/96's to a harddisk. I
>don't really know
>what format the music is recorded in.
>As my colleague is unable to use three RME
>Hammerfall DSP card's in his
>dual G4 powermac with OSX (don't know exact
>version), I wondered if I
>could use Linux to capture the music to harddisk.
>If anybody has any experience, please let me know.
>Otherwise we will
>proceed with one card and thus 24 channels at a
>time, which does work.
>Ronald van Engelen
>Op vr 28-11-2003, om 20:06 schreef Ronald van
>>Hi there,
>>A colleague of mine is having major problems using
>multiple (three) RME
>>Hammerfall cards using Mac OS 9 and X and
>consulted me for help.
>>The problem is that he has to transfer a few hours
>of 72-channel music
>>(recorded with Mackie HDR's) to his harddisk for
>further mixing and
>>I only have experience with (single and dual)
>stereo cards using alsa,
>>jack, ardour and ladspa. I wonder if anybody have
>experience with
>>multiple RME cards using alsa, and particullary
>experience doing such a
>>task with mentioned tools?
>>I haven't had the chance to examine his
>(Mac-related) problem but it
>>sounds like he might suffering from problems
>related to his
>>Ronald van Engelen
Patrick Shirkey - Boost Hardware Ltd.
Http://www.djcj.org - The Linux Audio Users guide
Apparently upon the beginning of the barrage, the donkey broke
discipline and panicked, toppling the cart. At that point, the rockets
disconnected from the timer, leaving them strewn around the street.
Tethered to the now toppled cart, the donkey was unable to escape before
the arrival of U.S. troops.
United Press International
Rockets on donkeys hit major Baghdad sites
Published 11/21/2003 11:13 AM