On my old
recordings there were done with a cheesy
how can I make there cleaner?
I've had some pretty decent results with Gnome Wave
Cleaner, you
might want to try it.
Another option is using jaaa to identify problematic
noise within frequencies and using the Rezound
Arbitrary Fir filter to lower the response of the
frequency bands where the offending sounds are
dominant. I've had good luck with that aproach.
Some of my old
recordings that have been copied
over from old
tapes are too hot and therefore get a really
annoying digital
distortion. Can I clean those up too?
Once a wave is clipped, it isn't really possible to
regain that
lost information, AFAIK. There might be a tool
available that can
reduce the annoyingness of the clips, but if you
can, I'd
redub the tapes at a lower volume.
Hope this helps ya out,
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