Hi All,
I am using Linux Fedora FC4 and M-Audio Audiophile USB.
This card works perfectly in output when using ALSA directly,
e.g. alsaplay -d plughw:2 works fine!
Problems rise when I try using Jack.
even if I managed to get it starting with
jackd -dalsa -dplughw:2,0 -r44100 -p1024 -n4 -Pplughw:2,0 -S -o2
The sound out I get is weird, a distortion that looks to be related to
buffer cycles etc.
I am using jackd 0.100.1
Anyone that can help me on this?
I see that some of you could get it working fine with Jack. How did you
manage to do so?
So far I cannot record with ALSA too but it would be great to solve at
least the jack issue.
Thank you in advance for the help,